Written by
Corporate Security Advisors
Published on
August 13, 2024
Thumbnail image of the Documentation Support Service Brochure

What is Documentation Support?

Changes to a Security program require accurate, compelling, concise, and well-targeted documentation, whether it is intended for Security personnel, company executives, the general public, or all of the above.

Your organization needs clear Policies, Standard Operating Procedures and Work Instructions, customized to match your requirements, to guarantee that new program directions are universally understood and consistently executed. Handouts, reports and other public-facing presentations and documents ensure that new Security postures are communicated to company employees and the community at large.

To help ensure integrity within your document control system, we also design in version control tracking, effective date of release for new versions, and revision history table including revision date, overview of changes, and approving signature blocks.

Documentation we deliver

Documentation Support Services include, but are not limited to, writing and publishing the following:

  • Security Policies, Procedures and Work Instructions
  • Response plans
  • Training materials
  • Operating manuals
  • Job aides

CSA Technical Writing Expertise

Our documentation support services are staffed by a technical writing team that’s accustomed to researching, supporting, and writing documentation to support a wide array of security initiatives. Our team will work with your subject matter experts, business leaders, and Security staff to identify and prioritize your documentation needs. We’ll ask the right questions, get clarity on what your exact requirements are, and produce a quality finished product that speaks to the right audience.

Strategic Crisis Narrative Management

Organizations can navigate complex risk scenarios by developing adaptive communication strategies that resonate with key stakeholders. We create dynamic risk communication plans that:

  • Craft compelling narratives that align with your company's values and goals.
  • Develop tailored messaging for specific audience segments (employees, investors, media, regulators).
  • Design multi-channel outreach strategies to ensure messages reach intended recipients effectively.
  • Create escalation protocols to adjust messaging as situations evolve.

Our expert communicators work closely with your team to ensure your company's story is told consistently and persuasively across all touchpoints. We focus on clear, timely, and empathetic messaging that builds trust, mitigates reputational risks, and maintains stakeholder confidence during critical events.

Why Should You Choose CSA?

Depth of Experience

CSA staff members have an average of 30+ years of strategic security experience.

Our many areas of expertise include Security Assessment, Strategic Roadmap development, Risk and Risk Tolerance determination, Program Review, Governance, Business Planning, Executive Recruiting and Coaching, Crisis Management and Business Continuity Program Development, Security Policies and Procedures, and Program Implementation.

Our Values

  • We earn your trust and improve your organization’s security environment through reliability, professionalism, and honesty.
  • We leverage our years of practical experience and strong commitment to continuous learning to drive transformation of your security capabilities.
  • We are true partners, working collaboratively with you and your team to achieve your goals.
  • We share our security expertise to enhance protection of your business and stakeholders and elevate your security organization’s strategic value.

Our Success Rate

To date, CSA has helped every one of their Security clients develop a Roadmap and gain approval and funding for their department projects.

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Service Area Brochure

Executive Recruiting and Coaching

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Program Implementation

CSA builds optimized corporate security programs that maximize business value, enhance your organizational efficiency and effectiveness, meet duty of care obligations, and comply with relevant regulations. We offer tiered implementation specific support tailored to your needs.
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Service Area Brochure

Documentation Support

Changes to a Security program require accurate, compelling, concise, and well-targeted documentation, whether it is intended for Security personnel, company executives, the general public, or all of the above.